Our COVID response

We are committed to continuing the safe reopening of our economy and progressing towards long-term recovery while also reducing the risk of COVID-19. We are collaborating with organizations including the Calgary Chamber, Tourism Calgary, The City of Calgary, Calgary Arts Development and Business Council of Alberta, to work with all orders of government towards economic recovery and resiliency. Supporting our local business community and workforce is our main priority. For those hiring or looking for work, and for those businesses looking to resource open positions, our site Connecting YYC links Calgary job seekers with businesses in need of talent. Camaraderie and community spirit continue to bring businesses together for shared prosperity. If you have a solution or offer for your peers, the broader Calgary community or global economy, tell us about it at our YYC Business Marketplace.         

Support for Calgary businesses

We are here for the Calgary business community as a credible resource as we navigate these uncertain times. We want to ensure you are prepared for business disruption, including accessing government resources to mitigate potential impacts to your business and employees. We've compiled this list of resources for small business, nonprofits, startups and entrepreneurs, and employees. The list below also provides information on tax relief and deferrals, funding information and international trade.

Alberta’s COVID response

Mandatory, province-wide restrictions and public health measures are in effect in Alberta to protect the health care system and slow the spread of COVID-19. For further information and guidance on how these current restrictions impact your business, please review the following resources:

Alberta Biz Connect


Guidance for the Screen-Based Production Industry


Restrictions Exemption Program (REP)


Restrictions Exemption Program Safety Training

Helpful Resources

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